See Mark Hamilton as he describes Ten-Second Miracles.

19 Responses

  1. I remember the first Ten Second Miracle I had was a awesome moment. I started
    to understand the knowledge much better. It sure was nice to be able to learn
    understand and apply the knowledge to my daily life. My life changed for the better
    from that day forward.
    Thank You Mark Hamilton for all my wonderful life changing experiences.

  2. I believe i have applied these miracles many times but never knew how they worked,now that the keys to how they work have been revealed to me i will see what i can and will create.

  3. There are times in each of our lives where situations, events, or other actions attracts our attention toward them. Then we respond to what holds for us, the most significant interest in the moment. One can be experiencing a sense of non-pleasure in one instant, and in the next instant, a sense of exhiliration. The mind has the capability to act in an instant. So when a person has trained the mind to act only on value sustaining impulses, then they will have achieved one of the most significant things that anyone would want to, forever, preserve.

  4. Ten-second miracles happen in a flash. Negative illusions disappear and you see the real world as it is, not the altered reality of what is generally accepted.
    Powerful insights into who you are and what you can do prevail.
    When you grasp the concept of “yourself” as the creator of everything around you,
    then you can see visions of what will be in the future.
    Insights of why things work as they do, become a part of your thinking process.
    Mark Hamilton has created breakthroughs in the old out-moded way of thinking.
    If you want “miracles” in your life, get into Neothink.
    They are there, they are real and will deliver the means to the life you want to live.
    I am grateful everyday for being chosen to be a part of this society. Things simply get better and better in my life in everyway, thanks to the genius of Mark Hamilton.
    Perhaps that was my best 10-second miracle!

  5. The visions and insights of the next mentality is totally awesome, the ten second miracles is all products of the next mentality in the neothink world. If not for the sake of LORD MARK HAMILTON and neothink society we would have died unfulfiled without knowing the ten second miracles. The visions and insights towards this breakthrough requires honest integrations and efforts. The lazy politicians and clergy acedemy would do all they can to prevent it for happining. But its too late for them, if they attempt, they will face firingsquad nature has design for them.

  6. You are now free of this AC, believe in yourself, theres nothing you can’t do, roll the bones and watch what can happen.

  7. It is so amazing how that works in such Harmony, Insights from Appearances- Visions into the Future- Breakthroughs.

  8. It is amazing what you learn from Mark Hamilton’s writings about claiming your Self-Authority and Responsibility, and then these fabulous insights and ideas, and sometimes visions “come” to you, which are showing you something about certain questions you have asked, or needing solutions to specific problems, or new ways of looking at “something”, etc. Sometimes a “working out” or through a problem, step by step is revealed. Sometimes a thrilling new concept for a new societal structure will “arrive” in your mind…and so forth.

    Nothing else like it. Over the years, these “ah hah” experiences just never stop!!!

    Love, Lila

  9. When I first heard the phrase “Ten Second Miracle” I thought there must be some magical thoughts that all I had to do was repeat in my head and just like a Jeannie in a bottle my wish would be granted, then as I listened to Mark as he taught us what a “Ten Second Miracle” is I was able to see that it is simply what he talked about in his last video “Two different ways of thinking” I came to realize I have had many “Ten Second Miracle’s” in my life, and now I had the rest of the story, how to really develop, those integration thoughts and apply them in my current job and situation, producing greater values and progression, getting out of the routine rut of life, you see it is really easy to bake a cake if you have the full recipe, Mark gives you the full recipe.

    1. Hello craig. I had the “secerts” “visions” and “power” books for quite some time and still don’t know how to apply the ten second miracle.if u r not to busy could u drop me an email to show me what page to read or give me steps to how to apply it. Thanks much.

    1. Russel,
      I know about that unique feeling when you get the ten second miracle. After reading the manuscripts and some very deep thinking. I stopped thinking so deep and found the miracle slapping me in the face. It was so close to me but yet so far until I read the twelve visions party and neothink manuscripts. Mark Hamilton has a very unique way of helping us see these miracles and surprisingly they were always there. So very close : O
      I just kept thinking go back to when you were young and it was Friday night? Then BINGO it hit me like a tone of bricks. Do not let the illusion talk you out of your dream!!! You can and deserve to be, do and have your desires of your heart <3 I am living proof

  10. Yes, Mark Hamilton’s coining of the 10 second miracle is phenomenal. For me the experience is nothing short of a miracle when I am at a point that appears to have no way out and then the miracle of light or a voice pops in my head with a powerful thought that leads me to a door way that connects to a plausible solution. Miraculous Power Thinking! How brilliant of Mark Hamilton to create his literature as a resource!

  11. These Ten Second Miracles are one of my favorite experiences since I first learned about them in Mark Hamilton’s Level 2 meeting! Flashes of insight that allow me to take a project to the next insight.
    – Yon

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